MANUAL FOR CALCEXE (BBC BASIC) This file describes the program CALCEXE which is in effect a complete graphical calculator like those sold by Casio,but on a BBC,or indeed for use on any machine that interprets BBC BASIC. The manual is (C)1997 SPROW and software is (C)1996 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At the BASIC prompt,type CHAIN"CALCEXE" Depending on which filing system you're using,you'll need to alter some filenames.These are all held in the Extensions part of the calculator,and have a file name such as 'CALCEXT'.Or similar.Simply edit this to suit the filenames you've chosen. The program will then draw the calculator on the screen,in MODE 4. The calculator uses the BBC's EVAL command for its interpretations,so data must be entered in the format that it understands.Also,fractions can be entered by pressing the 'fractions' button.See keypresses below. Of more interest are the add on options: *Graphics - display any graph on cartesian axis at any scale in any quadrant - regress a set of data linearly of curved to return to the generating equation *Intercepts - for the cross over of two or more curves *Solver - solves simultaneous equations Keys used: Esc End P power Tab Toggle the sign ^2 xý Del Backspace one r root Spc AC ^r xth root Return = i invert t tan ! Factorial ^t tan-1 p insert ã s sin F0 help ^s sin-1 m memory - RECALL (r) c cos - CLEAR (c) ^c cos-1 - ADD (+) l log to base 10 - SUBTRACT (-) ^l 10x o option - SIMULTANEOUS (1) n log to natural base - QUADRATIC (2) ^n ex - CUBIC (3) f fraction mode - GRAPHS (4) KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 Original sent to BBC disk user groups,converted from a program originally written for a PC