MANUAL FOR MORSE (BBC BASIC) This file describes the program MORSE which converts text strings entered into Morse code,of the correct timing.Timing,for practice purposes,may be altered to increase or decrease speed as described at the startup screen.Should work on any machine with BBC BASIC that has 'SOUND' support. The manual and software are (C)1996 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At the BASIC prompt,type CHAIN"MORSE" The program will present the user with a menu with 3 options based on speed, then a screen in which to type text,or special commands of the form [##], where ## is a number given at the bottom half of the screen. Once sent,the program requests further text until Escape is pressed. KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 Release version to EUG disk user group. V1.05 Tidied code,and made it loop until Escape was pressed