MANUAL FOR STARBAS (6502 Machine code) This file describes the program STARBAS which takes a BBC BASIC program and turns it into a command which can be *RUN in future rather than having to be started with LOAD or CHAIN. The program can also be optionally encrypted. The manual is (C)2005 SPROW and software is (C)1999 SPROW INSTRUCTIONS- At the BASIC prompt,type CHAIN"STARBAS" The utility will then ask for the source filename of the BASIC file to be converted. Enter this. Next enter a value for PAGE to use. The current value for PAGE will depend on which machine is in use and which ROMs are installed, typical values are &E00 - BBC Master series, or BBC Micro with cassette system only &1900 - BBC Micro with disc filing system &1B00 - BBC Micro with disc and network filing system Lastly an encryption mask can be entered which will be used to hide the contents of the original BASIC file, so that it cannot be LOADed anymore. A value of zero leaves the original BASIC file unencrypted. After some checks have been made on the BASIC program to be converted, the conversion will take place resulting in a new file being generated called "OUTPUT". This can be renamed if required. The resulting file can now be run using *RUN OUTPUT or shorter equivalents */OUTPUT *OUTPUT If an encryption value of 0 was used then the usual CHAIN"OUTPUT" and LOAD"OUTPUT" can also be used. KNOWN PROBLEMS/FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS- No known problems HISTORY- V1.00 First release version